Educators Edge™ Edition

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Course features
  • Author: Donald Jenkins, CEO, MPDC
  • Level: Tier One
  • Study time: 1.5 hours
  • Video time: X hours
  • Exams: 6
intuitive growth™ problem
The landscape of teaching has changed and educators are losing their edge for mental stability and motivation. If Intuitive Growth™ remains a blind spot for rescuing teachers in the classroom, the risk will be high for educators to leave the profession.  
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purpose development™ solution
Earn the only certificate in the world for identifying research-based questions to remove Intuitive Growth™ blind spots for the classroom. Experience the power of Purpose Development™ to build value for protecting your mental stability and motivation for the classroom.

Course Takeaways


Increase smarts on how Intuitive Growth™ is a major blind spot in professional development for educators.


Increase smarts on the role of Purpose Development™ in minimizing risks associated with Intuitive Growth™ and classroom management .


Increase smarts on asking the right questions to improve mental stability and motivation for the classroom.  
Meet the instructor

Donald Jenkins, CEO, MPDC

As the CEO of the Purpose Development Institute and husband of a 28-year educator, I understand why educators must be rescued with the strength from purpose. I've spent hours listening to Dr. Lily's passion for rescuing educators in the classroom. Her stories gives me great honor to team up with her to help educators remove Intuitive Growth™ blind spots, and regain control over their mental stability and motivation for the classroom.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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